Monday, May 14, 2012

Get You Started!

In this tutorial I will cover some useful software that I use to complete my offers.Here is a list of software that I use:

Google Chrome:  This is my primary internet browser when completing offers. It has a built-in autofill feature that works very well.

FireFox:  This my my primary Internet browser when completing offers. 

CCleaner:  This is what i use to clear my cookies before every offer. 

Roboform:  This Firefox addon will fill forms out for you. I personally don't use this.

Also for download offers I like to use a program called:
Sandboxie:  This is what we will be using to complete the download offers.

These offers are very simple. I will start off by first explaining how Sandboxie works. Many of the download offers available on PrizeRebel will install malicious software onto your computer. While some of this software may not be harmful, there are a number of them you will want to avoid. Sandboxie helps you do just that. What Sandboxie does is open an internet browser in a 'sandbox'. Everything you download, explore, install will be in this sandbox. Malicious software cannot get out of this sandbox. When you are done with what you need to do, you empty the sandbox along with everything in it. 

Now that you know what Sandboxie does, let's learn how to use it to complete a download offer! The first thing you will need to do is, make sure you have the browser you want to use set as your default browser. (FireFox is my first choice for Sandboxie downloads) If you already have Sandboxie running, there will be a yellow diamond shape on the bottom right of your task bar. Right click that -> Default box -> Run web browser. If done correctly, you will now be in a sandboxed web browser. You will know by the # in the browser description.

It's time to start a download offer. Click the offer and click whatever you need to start the download. Once downloaded, go back down to the yellow diamond we right clicked earlier. Right click -> Show Window. Now that you have the Sandboxie Control window open, it is time to install what you just downloaded. (In this case, it is GameVance) Sandbox Default box -> All Files and Folders -> User Files -> Personal -> My Do****ents -> Downloads. Now you will see the software you have just downloaded. Right click and choose 'Run Sandboxed'. The rest is self-explanitory. Install, play the game for a while. When you are done, it is time to empty our sandbox. Go back to our yellow diamond. Right click -> Default Box -> Delete contents. 

Look for the yellow diamond!

There are a few different types of download offers on PrizeRebel. They are all done this way. (Minus the playing of a game) Get some practice with Sandboxie and you will have these offers crediting like a champ! 

Now that we have our browsers, let's make some new emails. New emails should be made after every 5-10 offers. I use yahoo. Other users may use a different email provider but for this guide I will stick with Yahoo. 

Yahoo registration form: 

After you have made your new email, (You can make more than one) it is time to get working on some offers!

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